
How do I make a good decision when I’m feeling overwhelmed

How do I make a good decision when I’m feeling overwhelmed

When we’re in overwhelm it’s hard to focus and use the critical thinking skills we have to make good decisions. In this podcast I provide a 2 step strategy. Step 1 – Reduce the noise coming from the emotional overwhelm. I offer a round of EFT to help with this – you can tap along if you know how to use the tool. Step 2 – now that your nervous system is better regulated you can create a list of…

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How do I choose a Word for the Year?

How do I choose a Word for the Year?

In this podcast I explore how to choose an expansive inspirational word to guide you over a 12 month period. Key ideas are: Why it can be more impactful to start on your birthday; What not to choose – hint: you’re not solving a character defect or trying to motivate yourself to what you ‘should’ be doing; What feeling state to have in your choice of word. You want to feel excited and emotionally expansive at what could come from…

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How do I know I’m making a difference?

How do I know I’m making a difference?

In this podcast I talk about the Spiritual Exec’s fundamental need to make a difference in the wider world through their efforts. I share about the pitfalls in getting overly involved emotionally or feeling responsible to the point of affecting their ability to be effective. I answer the question posed at the beginning – How do I know I’m making a difference? – by highlighting that it’s not external metrics that alone can answer that question. Instead, it starts with…

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Why does the Spiritual Exec need to practise the energy of an experience to get it?

Why does the Spiritual Exec need to practise the energy of an experience to get it?

In this Podcast I share how fast thinkers need to practise a daily routine to foster the energy of what they desire. When we get something new quickly in our minds our energy might take a while to catch up. I offer a solution of a daily energy routine to help practise the feeling state of what you desire to get the rest of you up to speed. In this way, you manifest what you desire with more ease.

How do I handle crippling anxiety at work?

How do I handle crippling anxiety at work?

In this podcast I share some of the symptoms of stress that come up for people dealing with crippling anxiety at work. I outline what practical steps you can take to give yourself less pressure by working with your line manager or company. I then talk about the 3 ways to deal with the practical inner steps you could take to resolve the emotional turmoil. You might be surprised to hear it’s possible to have lasting peace from the stress…

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Burnout – what stops people from getting help

Burnout – what stops people from getting help

In this podcast I cover the 4 main reasons I’ve come across that hold people back from getting help with addressing emotional burnout. Talking about these helps bring awareness to what is happening. It also empower the person concerned to know they have a choice, if they wish, to address the roots of their burnout.

Burnout: how can EFT help me?

Burnout: how can EFT help me?

In this podcast I provide a simple introduction to the emotional state of Burnout. I share the different ways it can manifest in a person’s life on a spectrum of feelings. I go on to explain an effective way to reduce the stress response that is behind most expressions of Burnout: Emotional Freedom Techniques. I give information on 2 studies that showcased EFT’s effectiveness in reducing Cortisol levels.

How powerful can one word be?

How powerful can one word be?

In this podcast I talk about how to get the most out of your Word for the Year as a self development tool. The strategy that makes for the most effective growth is to leverage the contrasting emotions your word brings up. I also share a 3 step approach for going beyond the first month of play so that you get more out of this practice. This leads to profound growth, and inevitably success. You can read an article I’ve…

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How can I use my intuition for my business?

How can I use my intuition for my business?

In this podcast I talk about how to develop your intuition muscle by exercising it in an easy way. I share a simple technique to start building your confidence in a playful way, to then take into your business decisions. This is a way to empower yourself.